About Me

About Me

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I am a software developer with more than a decade of experience in software development currently working as a Lead Senior Solutions Architect at Dialog PLC in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

I graduated from University of Moratuwa, the leading university in Sri Lanka with a degree in Electronics and Telecommunication. Since then I have had many hats, played many roles in the software industry. My primary interests in the field are software build systems, developer experience, programming languages and database systems.

My primary field of domain knowledge is in trading and finance. With almost ten years at Bloomberg, two years and London Stock Exchange Group after completing all three exams in CFA, I am proficient in Buy side, FMI space and financial information systems.

I have recently switched to a more direct consumer software related role and am enjoying the challenges that comes with leaving a comfortable are for a fresh start.

My brief resume is available here and detailed resume is available here

I am a dad of two lovely kids who I spend most of my free time with. Creating memories with them is a second full time Job! In my spare time I like to travel, read and play table tennis. I hold dual citizenship in United Kingdom and Sri Lanka. After having spent nearly a decade in UK, I am currently back in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

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